TV: Danger 5 [2012 – 2015]

This Australian TV spoof of the 1960’s spy genre is brilliant. It’s incredibly well written and the humour is really densely packed. It’s very re-watchable. It features a cast of five spies; delightfully twisted versions of 60’s spy tropes, who are tasked in every episode to find, and kill, Hitler. They manage to make their way through their missions with their wits, teamwork, visual gags, and lots of knowing winks to Japanese tokusatsu-style shows.


The five members of the “Danger 5” team are Jackson, the whiskey-drinking tough all-American dude, Claire, the “good girl” British agent saving herself for just the right man, Ilsa, the chain-smoking, strung-out Russian agent, Tucker, the prissy Australian agent who reads “Sensible Chuckle Quarterly” but has deep-seated psychological problems, and Pierre, the smooth French agent who is master of cocktails and… and I fucking love his character… in both seasons…

The second season takes place in the 1980’s, in which the same characters are reassembled when it turns out they did not quite actually manage to kill Hitler the first time around and… the second season gets progressively weirder and weirder from there onwards.

There are so many wonderful things packed into this show. Listing them would be a waste, as their presentation in the series is spot-on. Impervious robo-women, dinosaur-riding nazis, people with animal heads, zombies, and swiss-army guitars are only a tiny taste of the delightful insanity this show knowingly slips into your pocket when you’re not looking. This show is better than clever – it is consistently clever. This is one of the funniest damn shows I’ve ever seen.

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